4 x weekly 1:1 optimisation zoom sessions (30-40 mins)
Midweek client progress share via text/email
Experience the benefits of having your own optimisation coach each week, debriefing and transforming, week upon week. We will meet you where you're at - mentally, emotionally and physically - and support you to create sustainable change from the inside out.
12 x weekly 1:1 optimisation zoom sessions (30-40mins)
Midweek client progress share via text/email
Our life changer package is for those who value the benefits of on-going personal transformation and growth, whether it be personally or professionally.
Working with the collective consciousness of your business/team, we can effect change non-locally. This powerful session is aimed to improve your team’s culture and accelerate results. This session is discussed with a leader from your team, and performed remotely.
I invite you to investigate and experience the powerful outcomes of PSYCH-K sessions. The outcomes you can gain from a series of PSYCH-K sessions are many and varied. A lot depends on the type of issues you are dealing with and how well you undertake the integration strategies in your daily life.
Skye Swift ~ Pharmacist, PSYCH-K Facilitator, Connector, Business Owner, Investor.
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